Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Week 6 Readings

This week, I found the reading to much easier than the past several weeks.The local area network article was just the basics of small area computer networking. The Computer Networking post described the factors of computer networking, scale, connection method, functional relationship, and network topology.The youtube post of common types of computer networks indicated the different types of networks from personal area to metropolitan area networks. The one that I am most familiar with is campus are network. Where I went to undergrad had massive problems with networks, theirs kept crashing, especially on registration days.

1 comment:

Adrien said...

You bring up a good point about networks, and the fact that they can crash. I had a similar experience in undergrad when a virus got onto the entire network, leaving the student body without internet for a week. Fortunately it was the beginning of the semester and not finals time, but still, there are definite problems associated with all technology.