Thursday, October 2, 2008

week 7 readings

I had some trouble assessing the article for this week so hears what I discovered. In the how stuff worked article, it was interesting to find out that the Internet is not something that was created in the past twenty years but was actually created in 1962. It wasn't until 1992 that the network became global. I vaguely remember life before the Internet, but just barley.
I could not access the Dismantling integrated library services article because it needed a password and login id. I did watch Inside the google machine. It was interesting to find out the workings of Google and how you get information so fast.


RAlessandria said...

Hi Emily,
I also think it's interesting that just because the internet is all the rage seemingly in the past decade that it's been in existence for so much longer. This also make me think that its funny that the internet is "cool" and "hip", but was created by what some would consider "nerds". It just shows that it pays to be a geek!

susan geiss said...

Hi Emily,
I also had a hard time accessing the one article, but then "googled it" and it came up. I have to tell you that I experienced much of life before 1992 and the internet has made a huge difference for me. I did not even own a computer until 1995...yikes! and I won't tell you how old I was then. I am still amazed at how much we can access wiht the click of a mouse.

Alesha said...

Internet has definately made things alot easier for those who have fast home access. If you have a question about basically anything, you can just quickly search for an answer without getting out of your pjs. Much better than before for lazy people like me! I do miss the good old days when real people answered phones when you called, however.